but the sad thing is....UFP has ended...everyone is going their seperate ways....wish that we could stay longer..
all those happy day in metro...haiz..
and result will be out on 28 April....woo...so fast...wish everyone luck and get good result..
So....after our last paper...went to amp sqUare in piramid to celebrate...The K room there was freaking big....
got first and second floor somemore..other than that...got a small pool table and arcade there also...awesome!!
Everyone was so high..lol..well..not everyone i think...some of them were sleeping upstair...lolx
Than suddenly some people got bored and started to take pic and camwhore..
Khai vern look so Wrong posing with the pool stick with raymond...LOL
The so call F4 singing...missing 1 person...lol...where Sze Wan go?
wan...all post till so gaya...LOL
Sing Sing SIng till 5 than we ended the session.....LAst GrouP pic before we leave...Gonna Miss you guys since Foundation has ended....^^
LInger around piramid to decide what to do...but eveyone got no idea=.=
so went for bolling....BUT it was FULL....swt....so went to eat....again all cannot decide=.=
walk walk walk again...and finnally...all decide to go eat sushi....at ZANMAI SUSHI..
Second day....which is one day after our finals......went for hiking at FRIM at KEPONG....
At first everyone has happilly talking to each other...until we reach a point....where we need to climb up the hill to reach the canopy walk...lol...Halfway up the road....everyone was already half dead...taking deep breath drinking loads of water...LOL...FInally reach the top....But the que was freaking long...waited for a whole 20 minutes i think..or more....
At first everyone has happilly talking to each other...until we reach a point....where we need to climb up the hill to reach the canopy walk...lol...Halfway up the road....everyone was already half dead...taking deep breath drinking loads of water...LOL...FInally reach the top....But the que was freaking long...waited for a whole 20 minutes i think..or more....
So we got bored....as usuall....Card playing time....LOL

Finally it was our turn....woohoo!!

John look so Happy...lolx...><
Halfway into it....there's a platform....so stop to take pic...
After that....went to the waterfall....most of them was saying that its very big its very big....
but reach there....dissapointed...Lol.....it was so so small@@
The GALs...
Group Pic~~
Later on at night.....go for BBQ pt....
Hahaha...dam funny...everyone says that Shirgie's face is fake wan...LOLXXXXX...do plactic surgery before...
laugh my ass out that night...swt
aiyoyo...next time take good care of yourself le..drink more milk...bones only stronger.....><
sze wan went home d lo..plus all those pgotos r nice ok?! not one da one u post!